What Can Improve Your Mental Health?

Physical Activity

Physical activity like walking, running, dancing, yoga, cycling, or gardening are all ways you can improve your mental health. How? It releases feel good chemicals. It helps deescalate your mind, so you're less stressed, and it helps you sleep better.


Sleeping a proper amount of hours a night can improve your mental health. When you're tired your brain can have difficulty making decisions, and you may have difficulty controlling your emotions. Always ALWAYS try to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep a night to feel well rested.

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating improves your brain function, mood regulation, gut health, and so many more! A healthy diet can provide the nutrients your brain needs to function.

Social Support

Having a support system, family, or friends who have your back, can greatly improve your mental health. Builds your self esteem, and optimism.

Coping Mechanisms

Writing down your feelings or journaling, talking to others, listening to music, going for a walk, breathing exercises, are all ways you can improve your mental health. Sometimes writing things down can help us feel better. Breathing exercises can slow down our breathing, and calm our minds, as well as relax us. Remember to take a breath when you're feeling overwhelmed.